2001 to 2010 Files

Beverly Lineth. 2001.

A young transvestite, she suffered several attacks on her life. A month before her death, three young university students who were driving a red car with polarized glasses surprised her from behind, between 3rd and 4th. Avenida y 11th street, she was walking next to  two transgender women, "Cochón" and Katherine Fullop, the youths cornered them with tubes. Her companions fled, but Beverly did not, who they attacked and destroyed her head, leaving her nearly dead. His face was disfigured and covered in blood. When she left the hospital and despite the beating, she tried to work asking for support for her lodging, food, clothing and makeup, but no one helped her. Later she was murdered between the 3rd. avenue and 11th street with a firearm.


«La Tutis» Rodríguez Monzón. 2001.

According to the interviewer, she was walking through 2a. Avenue and 11th street, she found two transgender women: Adriana and Tamara there, greeting them and inviting them to have a drink to "gain strength" before doing sex work. A motorcycle with two men appeared, the passenger on the motorcycle drew his pistol and shot her in the back, they stopped the vehicle and finished her off with a coup de grace to the head. The murderers turned around to threaten Adriana and Tamara, both were frozen at the scene, but when they saw them return, they ran out to another companion, Alejandra Guzmán, who was in 3 Avenue and 9th street, They hide from the attackers at the Gas Station in that place. They get out after they heard the sound of ambulances and a police patrol. The police attributed the incident to an act of revenge.


Brenda Shantal. 2,002.

Brunette transgender woman, with cinnamon skin, curly hair, had tattooed eyebrows, a very feminine body, beautiful teeth and a hoarse voice. On the day of his death, she had a dispute with another person, exchanging strong words and almost coming to blows. A vehicle is parked and a person gets out with a knife, showing the other person where she could find a machete. Between the two people they attack Brenda who tried to defend herself with her wallet, managing to escape a few meters, they chased her and then left. She fell before reaching 4th avenue, near the parking lot in front of "Mosaico" in zone 1. 


Dayana Valverde, «La Cochón». 2,003

A Transgender woman who measures approximately 2.10 meters. She was Nicaraguan origin, hence her nickname (Cochón equal to homosexual). The witness was at the Hotel La Antigua located at 13th street and 4th. Avenue, zona 1 with the victim and another trans woman named "The Queen". She was sex worker and her and The Queen began to negotiate rates with the men in a van parked in front of the hotel. At first, Dayana was negotiating next to the co-pilot, but then they changed positions with Queen, standing on the pilot's side, it was heard that the man yelled "Faggot son of a bitch", pulling out his gun and shooting her. The Queen ran out and Dayana was left lying. The vehicle started up, fleeing the scene, when a patrol approached the scene, but they did absolutely nothing, they only made fun of what happened. At the time of preparing his body, the funeral home chose to break his legs, due to his height.


Sheyla «La Jorge» Cruz. 2,003

Sheilya, known as La Jorge, was a young transvestite, about 22 or 23 years old, a volunteer for OASIS services, she began to do sex work in zone 1, along with her friends. On March 24, 2003, she was at 5th avenue and 10th street with other transgender fellows, when a van passed with a man, accompanied by another person, the van turned and parked in the alley on 9th Street "A", the physical description referred to a man in his forties with a military appearance with a wooden hand and foot and a glass eye. He went to the group, and stood in front of them, staring at them, without making another move, generating a dark and gloomy atmosphere. Patrols passed by and the man turned around, when one of them realized that the assailant was behind them and yelled that he was shooting. Sheyla Cruz received an expansive bullet in the neck towards the head, it exploded, leaving her on the ground in a position of wanting to get up. 


Thalía Requena Vásquez. 2003

Honduran transgender woman murdered inside the hotel on 6a. Avenue y 12th street, Guatemala City's Downtown, she was stabbed repeatedly and her body was wrapped in sheets, she was found by the hotel manager, who informed the police.


Alejandra Guzmán. 2,005

President of the Trans Collective "Queens of the Night", being one of its founders.

Alejandra suffered due to the wear and tear on her body due to HIV and its heavy treatment, because she had to take 27 pills a day, she despaired and opted to stop taking it. However, it is worth mentioning that the wear and tear was not only due to HIV, but also because of having injected mineral oil and silicone, a subject rarely discussed among transgender women and which was serious for her, since this liquid migrated to her lungs, the conditions of cold and precarious conditions in which they live on the streets for the sex work, worsened their health. She died as a result of complications from advanced HIV. She was buried by her friends, requesting support from OASIS organization for the wake.


Mishel Villa Soto. 2,005

Transgender woman, sex worker, of Honduran origin. She was murdered in zone 1, she was a member of the Transgender Collective "Queens of the Night", assaulted in the sex work area, where they smashed her face with stones, completely disfiguring her, and was veiled and buried by OASIS organization.



Rashel Paulina «Marrot» Méndez Cartagena. 2,005

Human rights activist, OASIS' Guatemala worker, in the position of Communications Assistant.
Paulina received her name from the mexican novel "The Usurper", since on the hill, a place she frequented, there was a female drag queen named María Paula and to differentiate herself from her, she chose the name Paulina. She worked for two years as the manager of an internet cafe at the entrance of the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, a devout Catholic, a follower of the Virgin of the Conception, she was a fervent admirer of the Guatemalan processions. She was a sex worker.
She was Miss Gay Pride 2004, as a result of this in the play they recreated her life with a sketch called La Guatemalteca, a dance in heels.She was a volunteer for the "Breaking Frontiers Group" of the OASIS Organization Murdered with a firearm, the suspects in the attack described themselves as belonging to the National Civil Police. 
His life story was taken to the theater by a Spanish company, which took the performance to Spain, Colombia and Mexico. Later a Colombian Drag bought the rights and issued a short video called Paulina Marrot.


Bárbara Palacios Calderón. 2,006

Honduran transgender woman, Treasurer of the Trans Collective "Queens of the Night" in 2006, sex worker in the area near the CAFESA restaurant, Zone 9 in Guatemala City, on June 16, 2006 at night she was shot dead in zone 9 , along with an unknown sex worker. She was veiled at OASIS and transferred to Honduras, thanks to the fact that a brother of hers claimed her body.



Shakira de El Salvador. 2,008

During 2006, sex work on the streets was complicated by territorial disputes, which led to lawsuits and assaults. One of them was the murder of Shakira from El Salvador, which happened in Colonia la Florida, Zone 19 Guatemala. She was stabbed in the street. His attackers were never found or tried.


Catherine Mishell Barrios. 2,009

Transgender young, a sex worker from Downtown in Guatemala City, lived with other transgender women, one of them being her sentimental mate. On February 20, she went to work casually saying goodbye to his couple, but she did not return home. For three years, attempts were made to locate her, complaints were filed with the Human Rights Ombudsman and a communication campaign was organized in OTRANS-RN to find her. She didn't show up.


Kenia Maily «La Billy». 2,009

In 2006, several adolescents in a street context approached OASIS organization to find out about its services, due to age reasons they could not be attended. Billy was one of them, as a teenager he began to dedicate himself to sex work in the alley on 9th. Avenue "A" of Zone 1, near Cerrito del Carmen (Carmen Hill). On October 26, 2009, a car approaches Kenya, he shoots her without killing her, she falls to the pavement and then the car reverses and the murderer runs over her several times.


Sabrina Cajas. 2,009

Transgender woman with health problems due to the use and abuse of hormones, was a member of the Transgender Organiation "Queens of the Night", on October 31 at night, she returned to her home in zone 5, where she was stoned to death. He participated in a March against Transphobia on April 17, 2009, thus appearing in an article in El Periódico, Guatemala.



