TRANS Memory
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About Trans Memory
The Historical Library of Trans Memory «No memory, no history» is a community effort of transvestite, transgender and transsexual women residing in the Republic of Guatemala, which seeks to rescue their life stories and document transgender existence in the country.
Store on the Reinas de la Noche website, the information contained herein belongs to said institution and it can be expanded, verified or even completed in the electronic and physical file stored in the OTRANS-RN offices.
Special thanks to instances and people who collaborated with testimonies for this report: Adriana Muñoz, Ilse Janeth Contreras, Colectivo del Trébol, Luis Zapeta Mazariegos y Amarilis Barrios. Special thanks for the inspiration and motivation to Stacy Velásquez Vásquez (OTRANS-RN Executive Director) who promoted the idea and managed the resources to make it possible.
To use this information, it's requested to cite a source, it's suggested: «Hemeroteca Histórica de la Memoria Trans» OTRANS-RN, Guatemala 2022″.